Feature: Meet Skye Ventura

A Surfers Journey

SaltyLips Womens Surf Mexico Surf Girls Salty Lips

Surf Love

I met the inspirational Sydney-born Skye in the more tranquil, much less chaotic corner of Mexico’s Puerto Escondido, La Punta Zicatela. She radiated happiness and her positivity and zest for life was mesmerising. A travelling surfer, with a child, making all her dreams come true, all at once. But it was the stories of how she came to be there that really blew my mind. The Cancer, the self-healing, her spiritual and surf-filled journey and becoming a mother against all odds. Continue reading

Mexico Sessions: Heading North

Floggings, Floods and Federals

Rosary taking it on...

Rosary taking it on…

Leaving me to my slightly less heart-in-mouth waves further south, Rosary set off on her journey, two overnight buses north, with the promise of the big heavy beachies that Mexico is famous for. Setting up her tent, her home for the next two months, Rosary settled in to her new spot. I was only a little ashamed that I had ditched my tent and opted for an $8 a night room after she left, but I was craving some creature comforts. Continue reading

Mexico Sessions Quatro

Fickle Paradise

Heading out

Heading out

With Rosary bee-lining it to the next super heavy Mexican beachie, I headed off on my own to another spot that was less likely to break my boards or my back. After 3 weeks in a tent I decided to treat myself to an actual bed…my own room on stilts with a concrete platform to do yoga and a view of the wave, with stray dogs & a parrot for company…heaven! Meeting some cool people, including a likeminded surf chica from Switzerland, Prisca, living cheap and getting fun waves, this was a spot I wanted to put some time in. Continue reading

Mexico Sessions Tres

Magic Sessions and Chasing Sandbanks

Rosary dawny!

Rosary dawny!

With me still out of the water, on injury time, we packed up our tents and got back on the road. Rosary had convinced me to reluctantly purchase a tent, saying it was the only way to travel Mexico. She was right of course but  I did miss the comforts of a fan! Picking up two mad Irish lads Garret and Fionan that we knew from Indonesia, we scored some super fun waves,  experienced a yearly local fiesta and met some interesting characters. Continue reading

Mexico Sessions Dos

Crowds, Caves & Cool Locals

Fins Out!

Fins Out!

Licking my wounds from El Salvadors sea urchin population, and facing some time out of the water to heal, I braved the 26 hour journey to Mexico. I hadn’t finished with El Salvador, but I had definitely come off worse in our little altercation and it was time to reconnect with Rosary before she disappeared too far North. With the promise of fun waves and good people I was pretty excited. Continue reading